Saturday 25 April 2015

Top 5 Best Parrots

Top Five Best Parrots in The world

#1: African Grey Parrot 

The African Grey Parrot is a wonderful and highly intelligent bird.There are two general types of the African Grey Parrot – the Congo African Grey and the Timneh African Grey. The African Grey Parrot species originate in the lowlands of western and central Africa from northern Angola to Guinea. The Congo African Grey (CAG) and the Timneh African Grey (TAG) are actually located in different regions of Africa.

#2: Amazons Parrots

Amazon parrots are highly intelligent birds, very outgoing and renowned talkers.Amazon Parrots originate from South America. In their natural habitats, these sociable birds are often seen in flocks or family groups.These loyal, affectionate and fun-loving parrots have grown to be one of the most popular companion birds around the world.They adapt well to captivity, adjusting easily to their cage or aviary. Amazon birds are mostly a vivid green, but with vibrant splashes of color on or around their head, on their wings and on their tail feathers.

#3: Budgies Parrots

Budgies are small size breed of parrot.They are vey lovely and beautiful birds.There are actually two types of budgies commonly seen in aviculture, Australian (often called American parakeets) and English budgies. They are quite different in size and appearance. American parakeets are the birds you usually see in pet stores. English budgies are the birds seen in exhibitions and shows. they are quite a bit larger than the standard budgerigar and their appearance is strikingly different.

#4: Conure Parrots

Playful, fun-loving, bold and inquisitive are all traits that describe a conure, but one word is true for them all: loud! Native to South America, conures come in all shapes and sizes, and depending on the conure, they range from an average of 9 to 21 inches long and have a life span of 20 to 30 years. Because of their small size, conures make great family pets. They are highly attractive birds that come in a multitude of colors, with a spunky, outgoing personality to match. Conures can be taught to perform tricks and are known for talking, but they often express themselves vocally with high-pitched screeches and other calls

#5: Conure Parrots

Charming, eye-catching, and intelligent, the Eclectus are captivating birds that make impressive pets. Their beautiful colors, talking ability, and loveable personalities have gone a long way in establishing them as one of the most popular pet parrots available.Scientific Name is Eclectus roratus.
Origin: Australia, New Guinea, the Solomon Islands.

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