Monday 9 March 2015

The Sadpara Lake

Sadpara Lake is a natural Lake located at the upper side of Skardu at an elevation of 8650 feet above the Sea level. It supplies water to the main city, Skardu and its suburbs. It is fed by the sadpara stream. Most of the tourists, whoever visits Gilgit-Baltistan, includes visiting Sadpara Lake as an incumbent part of their tour. It is believed that Sadpara Lake was once an upper Village of Skardu. But due to some sort of natural calamities, like flood, it has been converted into a Lake. It means that under this Lake, a long history of people is confined. This is naturally covered by mountains from three sides. One side is open from where a headwork arises which is actually a source of water supply to the city. The water requirement for irrigation of the area is also met with the water of Sadpara Lake.


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